Everything You Need To Know About Saving For Retirement

โ€œHowever, I am confident in saying that if you can figure out a way to save 10% to 20% of your income into the financial markets each year, automate your savings and all of your bill payments, increase the amount you save each year by just a little, diversify your investments, and basically leave them alone, you will be better off financially than the vast majority of retirement savers in America. Everything else is gravy.โ€ --- Ben Carlson (2020)

Everything You Need to Know About Saving for Retirement by Ben Carlson is a succinct yet insightful guide that puts the spotlight on a fundamental aspect of retirement planning: your savings rate. In a world of complex investment strategies and ever-changing financial landscapes, Carlson distills his wisdom into a straightforward message – it’s not just about where you invest, but how much you save.

With a clear and approachable style, he emphasizes that building a secure retirement is within reach if you focus on increasing your savings and maintaining a consistent approach. Drawing on his expertise in personal finance, Carlson’s concise and no-nonsense approach empowers readers to take control of their financial destinies, offering a roadmap to achieving financial security during retirement through a smart savings strategy!

The following one-page visual guide has been created by me to help you apply the teachings from Ben’s book to your life. See below ๐Ÿ‘‡

This one-page visual guide by Brian Nwokedi has been created to help you apply the learning from Ben Carlson's book to your life.

Downloadable Content โ€“ Raw Notes

Ready to dive deeper into Ben Carlson’s work on Saving for Retirement? Download my unfiltered notes below ๐Ÿ‘‡